You Cannot Pour From An Empty Jug

I've written something along these lines once before, hated it, deleted it, so now I'm giving it another go. 

I have dealt with a fairly basic case of depression for most of my teenage and young adult life. (I'm only 21 so if you hadn't noticed, I have a flair for the dramatic. "Young adult life" so the past three years then, right Paris?) What I have realised though, is that the best Pick Me Up there is, is a good old Pep Talk from yourself. And that is what this is.

Stop trying to make sure you're being 100% in every aspect of your life if you do not have the fight in you to do so. Work is getting to you and you're being a little shit around the office? That's okay. Start again after an evening of baths and shit Netflix. Your best mate is going through some dramas and you're too exhausted to take that phone call that's guaranteed to be 2 hours minimum? That's okay. Call her tomorrow.

I don't know why it took me so long, but despite doctors telling me "Be social!! Join a gym and go 18 times a week!! Give birth to a horse!!" (All great advise, though. Listen to your doctors.) But sometimes, a night in by yourself, a good bath and a healthy dinner, is a very good medicine. A lot of my personal stresses and pains came from feeling like I was letting people down all the time by not going to events or nights out and then forcing myself to go, and therefor making myself even more miserable. 

Let us just be clear. I am not saying shut yourself away forever and be a hermit. I am saying go out, go to events, and go to see friends. But sometimes it's okay to say no, and put your own feelings and needs first. Once I got rid of the feeling of "But ____ will be so angry that I'm not there!", life was a helluva lot less draining. Sometimes your energy is more important than someone else's, and that is okay. Also walks are good. SO GOOD. THEY ARE GOOD FOR YOUR SOUL.

This post is essentially pointless, but I guess some low level rambling never hurt nobody! 

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